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Image by Ceyda Çiftci

Our guide to care for your plants that require lower light than their sunny friends - to help you on your Plant Parenthood journey!

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Pothos Jade n Pearls.jpeg

Epipremnum aureum (ep-ih-PREM-num AW-re-um), often referred to as Devil’s Ivy or the pothos plant is a member of the Araceae family.  It originated in the Solomon Islands. ‘Pearls and Jade’ specifically at the University of Florida.  

This avid climbing evergreen perennial has variegated grey-green leaves covered in cream, gray, and white streaks. It resembles its cousin, the satin pothos. It grows to an average length of 6′ to 10’ feet and the potential for up to 30’ feet in the right conditions.



Indirect light; can tolerate lower light.


Special Needs

Loves humidity

Rain Cloud


Trim long vines every few months to keep your plant full and bushy. Use the clippings to start new plants.


When top 1" of soil is dry to the touch; do not allow soil to stay too wet or dry for extended periods of time

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Pet Friendly

Not safe for furry friends and kids

Best Room in the House



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Commonly knows as the Fiddle-Leaf Fig or Little Fiddle Fig comes from the family Moraceae. It’s related to the rubber plant. The plant gets its name from its large leaves which resemble the case of a fiddle or violin.

 It is a slow growing plant that can take up to 10 -15 years to reach full maturity, but after 3 or 4 years of growth it starts to become an attractive ornamental plant.

Rain Cloud
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Set it by a bright & sunny window for consistent light

Special Needs

Once the plant is acclimated indoors it should stay indoors


Avoid any direct sunlight, as it could stunt it's growth or even kill the plant. Wipe leaves every 2 weeks with damp cloth. Rotation is also key!


Water thoroughly but only when soil is dry to the touch

Pet Friendly

Not safe for furry friends and kids

Best Room in the House

Anywhere there is bright light

SANSEVIERIA 'Laurentii Superba'


The snake plant, commonly referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue, is a resilient succulent that can grow anywhere between 6 inches to several feet.

In addition to providing a bit of ambiance, snake plants have a number of health benefits such as: filter indoor air, remove toxic pollutants, may help boost mental health, easy to care for, effective against allergies, may help enhance the “energy” of a space, according to feng shui and can help with minor ailments



Sun to partial shade. Can tolerate low to moderate indirect light

Special Needs

Heat tolerant



Snake plants are one of those plants that need very little maintenance once you find the perfect spot for them. They are easy to keep and harder to kill than many other houseplants.

Rain Cloud


Drought tolerant - once every 2 weeks to once per month

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Pet Friendly

Not safe for furry friends and kids

Best Room in the House

Bedroom - can convert CO2 into oxygen at night


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Also known as Radermachera Kunming, or Peep Thong, it is a rare small tree or shrub producing creamy pink trumpet like flowers with yellow centers. 

Native to the subtropical mountainous areas of Asia, China doll plants are evergreen trees that are a part of the Bignoniaceae family. When cared for indoors, they are moderately fast growers and can reach heights between 4 and 6 feet at maturity.



Likes sun to part shade, but does well as a interior houseplant. 

Special Needs

Heat tolerant



The most important thing to remember when growing a China doll plant is that they require lots of light and moisture and do not react well to frequent changes in their growing conditions.

Rain Cloud


Regular watering is vital. They should be watered once the top inch of soil is dry. They cannot handle "wet feet" and will easily develop root rot if left sitting in water.

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Pet Friendly

Not safe for furry friends and kids

Best Room in the House

Choose a spot nearby a window, but protect plant from any direct harsh rays.


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Likes sun to part shade, but does well as a interior houseplant. 

Special Needs

Don't place in a spot that receives direct rays of sunlight—its foliage can burn easily.



Make sure the container you choose has room for the plant's extensive root system.

Rain Cloud


Drought tolerant. Wait until the top half of the soil is dry before watering (this can often take three weeks or more)

Pet Friendly

Not safe for furry friends 

Best Room in the House


Dracaena marginata, more commonly known as a dragon tree, is an attractive plant with green sword-like, red-edged leaves. Native to Madagascar, the eye-catching spiky tree is known as a great entry plant for household gardeners—it's easy to care for, drought-tolerant, and nearly indestructible.

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Peace lilies are tropical species and hybrid from the Spathiphyllum genus that are a favorite flowering houseplant. A striking plant when used in mass display, the peace lily blooms in spring with long-lasting flower stalks that hover gracefully over the foliage. The plant has glossy oval leaves with points that emerge from the soil. A well-grown peace lily may bloom twice a year, resulting in several months of flowers.



Best in bright, indirect light; can tolerate low light levels, but will produce more blooms with more light

Special Needs

Spritz the leaves every week with softened or distilled water



Pollutants like benzene, xylene, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde are some that a peace lily plant can absorb. 

Rain Cloud


Once a week, or when top inch of soil is dry. Peace lilies much prefer being underwatered rather than overwatered.

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Pet Friendly

Not safe for furry friends and kids

Best Room in the House


It promotes restful sleep and according to Feng Shui, brings positive and peaceful energy to the room.


Zamioculcas Zamiifolia - ZZ or Zanzibar Gem.jpeg

The ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is ideal for low light conditions where few other plants thrive. The dark green, shiny, alternate leaves grow on stout, fleshy stalks that are swollen at the base. Growing from an underground rhizome that stores water, the ZZ Plant is extremely tolerant to drought and low light conditions. This indestructible houseplant has an almost prehistoric appearance! It's an excellent container plant for interiorscapes and was named 'Houseplant of the Year" for its ease of growing and unusual beauty. 


ZZ plants are also called heirloom plants because they can be passed from generation to generation.



Low, indirect light; semi-shade

Special Needs

Gently wipe away dust and debris with a damp washcloth to restore its shine.



Don’t worry too much about forgetting to water your zz plant—these plants grow from rhizomes, which help them to store water under the soil, making them a drought-tolerant plant. 

Rain Cloud


These plants are extremely drought-tolerant and can handle infrequent watering. They hould generally be watered once the soil dries out completely—usually once every two weeks, depending on their growing conditions.

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Pet Friendly

Mildly toxic to humans and animals

Best Room in the House


ZZ plant is an air purifier and researchers found it is specifically adept at removing  toxins such as xylene, toluene, and benzene from the air.

Maranta green 'leuconeura var. kerchoveana'


Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana is an evergreen plant with patterned leaves originally from Brazil Rainforests that is kept as a house plant for its attractive foliage.

Also commonly known by the name prayer plant because its leaves remind us to two hands praying because its leaves fold upward at night.


Maranta Leuconeura grows approx. up to 30-40cm and it gets bushy because it grows horizontally. The leaves of Maranta Leuconeura Kerchoveana are oval in shape, colored green-grey, with darker green to brown splashes across the surface. On the other hand, these colors are not visible from the back, not even the vein arrangement.



Thrives in medium to bright indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun.

Special Needs

Normal room humidity is fine, but it prefers more humidity if possible.



Marantas can be sensitive to hard tap water. Try using filtered water or leaving water out overnight before using. 

Rain Cloud


Water every 1–2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out half way down between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. 

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Pet Friendly

Safe for pets

Best Room in the House

Great air purifier plants that improve the quality of the air. Because of this, marantas are perfects plants for bedrooms and living rooms.


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Aglaonema Snow White has a dark green and a splash of bright white on its foliage. They are drought tolerant, low maintenance and one of the best table top plants.

The name Aglaonema came from the Greek words, “aglaos” meaning shining, and “nema” meaning thread. Aglaonemas are native to the tropical and subtropical rainforests of Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Philippines. They grow underneath tall trees, making them tolerant of low light areas. And in 1885, this plant was brought to Royal Botanic Gardens and was introduced to the West. There it was cultivated and hybridized, resulting to the wide array of varieties we have today.



Bright, indirect light

Special Needs

Do not repot immediately after receiving it.



Do not over water the plant especially when pot does not have drainage holes.

Keep away from the AC Vents. Do not apply water on plant leaves.

Rain Cloud


Once a week

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Pet Friendly

Mildly toxic to humans and animals

Best Room in the House

A little humidity if you please - set me up in the bathroom once in a while or a light sprinkling of mist of my leaves once a week.

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